Updating a space and seeing everything come together is a wonderful feeling. Refacing cabinets is an excellent way to give a kitchen or bathroom a fresh look, but adding some extra touches can really elevate the space. Whether you’re looking to increase the value of your multifamily property or create a more inviting atmosphere in your own home, incorporating lighting into your newly refaced cabinets is a fantastic idea. Here are some popular cabinet lighting trends that we’ve observed on our recent projects.


Not all property owners want their cabinets to be the main focus of their kitchen, and that’s perfectly fine. CRS provides professional cabinet refacing services, and we frequently reface cabinets to make them appear more neutral. This gives them a clean and crisp appearance while allowing other elements, such as stunning granite countertops, to stand out. Under-cabinet lighting is an excellent option if your recent project falls into this category.

Adding lighting underneath your cabinets draws the viewer’s attention downward, highlighting the details of your countertops and flooring. People will then eventually naturally gaze upward, allowing them to appreciate the beauty of your newly refaced cabinets. This layout creates a balanced and cohesive space that both potential renters and guests will love.


Did you recently invest in show-stopping refaced cabinets during your recent bathroom or kitchen makeover? If so, we suggest installing above-cabinet lighting to complement their stunning appearance. This type of lighting works particularly well with bold-colored cabinets or those with intricate hardware. By drawing the viewer’s gaze upward, it showcases your cabinets as the focal point of the room. While guests’ eyes will eventually wander to the countertops, appliances, and flooring, the cabinets will make a lasting impression..

In addition, above-cabinet lighting is an excellent way to showcase any decorative items you might have placed on top of your cabinets. With this lighting, your guests will be able to appreciate each piece of decor in detail and give it the attention it deserves.


Finally, let’s discuss interior-cabinet lighting, which can add a touch of luxury to any home and make it more attractive to potential renters, buyers, or guests. As the name suggests, interior-cabinet lighting brightens up the insides of your cabinets.

If you plan on refacing your cabinets with a glass-panel front during your next kitchen remodeling project, interior-cabinet lighting can enhance the space’s overall design. Because even with the cabinets closed, you can still see and showcase the items within.

Additionally, interior lighting can elevate the look of traditional cabinets. Switching on the ambient lighting when you open the doors creates an ultra-luxurious feel and adds to the overall elegance and convenience of the space.


Various cabinet lighting styles are available, and many offer the option of hardwired or plug-in installation. Each of these provides its unique advantages. Hardwired lighting is suitable for property owners with a clear idea of what they want, as they can seamlessly integrate them into the home’s wiring system.

On the other hand, plug-in lighting allows property owners to customize and replace the lighting as needed. It is an excellent option for those who do not want the permanent commitment associated with hardwired lighting.

After deciding on their preferred cabinet lighting placement, many people may ponder the optimal lighting type for their cabinets. Fortunately, there are several available options to choose from. Here are some of the most popular.


LED cabinet lighting is a simple and effective way to illuminate your kitchen or bathroom. They don’t emit much heat and come in various colors, shapes, and sizes.


Fluorescent cabinet lights are another popular choice. They typically last about 10,000-20,000 hours and create lots of light, perfect for anyone wanting to really brighten up their space.


One of the most affordable lighting options includes xenon cabinet lights. They are dimmable and create a stunning white light. However, they run hotter than the above options. We don’t recommend xenon lights for anyone wanting to place decor or heat-sensitive items nearby.


Feeling inspired to begin a bathroom or kitchen makeover project in Texas? Schedule a complimentary cabinet refacing consultation with CRS! We provide expert cabinet refacing services and understand the value lighting can bring to our projects. Regardless of which option you gravitate toward, our team is ready to help you select the perfect cabinet style to complement your overall preferred design. Click the button below to get started!
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